April fool's!!
has any one played a trick on you today?
well it's April and
soon we will be celebrating Easter.
Do you make and send Easter cards?
Do you decorate the house with eggs and baskets?
Your challenge is:
To make something for Easter
whether it be an Easter basket for your childs teacher
or Easter cards, painted eggs or garlands...
get creative and have fun.
Our guest designer this month comes from
Canberra, Australia
the talented
"My name is Karen and I live in Canberra, Australia
(sounds like a guilty confession, but I really like living here...).
I am a SAHM with three kids , Matt 18, Meaghan, 14 and Henry, 8.
My Husband, Geoff, is a contractor in the IT business and works mostly from home (good sometimes but has put a cramp in the amount of time I can spend on my hobbies!).
Oh, and I have a slight phobia about hairdresser's so my hair is always that messy...
I was first exposed to scrapping in the late 1990's but although I could see the sense in writing down the stories that went with photos, I could not see the artistic side of this craft (not a very inspired teacher I'm afraid..). that changed when I received a free scrapping mag one day in about 2005 and I have been well and truly hooked since then!!
I am currently involved on the DT with two challenge sites,
Southern Girls and Design Dollies
and was so excited when lovely Irini asked me to guest Design here.
This is really evolving into a great challenge site,
I am so inspired by what Irini and her friends do here.
I hope I can live up to their high standards.
Looking forward to seeing your work this month! Karen xxx"
Be sure to check out Karen's blog
and here is what she made for our first challenge of the month!
I love how Karen told me that the kids love the Easter egg box
because it is easy for them to place their hands inside and grab the eggs!!!

For more inspiration
have a look at what the design team have done this month....
fabulous work ladies....
a card from Vicky
the sweetest little bird house from Eleni

a card from Alex

a wreath from Melenia
3 D card from Livia

aperture card from Channa

digital card from Anastasia

bunting/garland from Irini
(sorry the photos are so bad...no proper light)
So you know what to do!
upload your creation here by
April 29th
(this way I can announce the winner on the 30th )
Get Creative and have fun!!!

Πλησιάζει το Πάσχα!
H πρώτη πρόκληση του Απριλίου
Να φτιάξετε κάτι για το Πάσχα δηλ
μια κάρτα, η διακοσμητικά αυγά,
η καλαθάκι για αυγά,
η ενα στεφάνι, η γιρλάντα
έχετε μέχρι της 29 Απριλίου
να ανεβάσετε το έργο σας!
Get Creative and
καλή διασκέδαση