(post follows in English)

Τι είναι;
To τέλειο δώρο για συναδέλφους.......
η της δασκάλες των παιδιών.....
είναι καλύμματα για τα μπλοκάκια
post it/sticky notes
Δεν είναι καταπληκτική ιδέα;
περάσετε και απο το μπλογ μου..
να δείτε πόσα έφτιαξα
ενθουσιαστικά τόσο πολύ που είπα.........
να σας γνωρίσω την
η αλλιώς

"My name is Angeliki, they call me Angela and because of a friend's nickname, I'm stuck with.... ANZOUYA!As a word in Greek you can confuse it with "anchovy" because it has almost the same pronunciation"anchouyia". :-) My zodiac sign is Pisces, so I wouldn't blame them. Ever since I can remember myself I've been creating all my life. I've tried and I've experimenting with way too many things! I always want to learn new skills. On many things I'm self taught, you know the "try and error" process. No-one has ever showed me the right way (after all, I'm impossible when it comes to following instructions! -and who says that there's aRIGHT WAY on doing things when it comes to crafting?), I'm just inspired of things I see and I'm trying to make something in my own way. I haven't decided yet what I like the most, or whether or not I'm good at anything after all :-S However, what's important is the journey and not the destination!"
Περάσετε από το μλογ της
για να μάθετε με λεπτομέρεια πως να τα φτιάξετε
have fun..................
Goodevening every one
Are you curious as to what the
pretty creations pictured above are?
well they are post it/sticky note covers...
I came across the tutorial from this talented creative young woman
Her name is Aggeliki
goes by the nickname of
check out her blog
for the instructions
you will be amazed at how easy they are
I was so taken by them...............
that I made many of them
stop by my blog and take a look at how many I made!!
They make the perfect gidft for co workers or
presents for the kids teachers...
Get Creative and have fun....
Ωωωωω, σ'ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ για την τιμή που μου κάνεις! Ελπίζω να τα βρουν και άλλοι το ίδιο ενδιαφέροντα. Τρέχω να δω τι έφτιαξες!
welcome angela...I always thought that somebody with such a interesting blog and someone so sensitive,cannot possibly be called anchovy....you see you are an angel...good to meet you.
ReplyDeleteΕίναι καταπληκτικά!!! Πανέμορφα!!! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για τις ιδέες!!!
ReplyDelete@Zeffy Thank you so much for your kind words! You're making me blush!
ReplyDelete@Efi Σ'ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ! Χαίρομαι που σου αρέσουν και ελπίζω να σου φανούν χρήσιμα.
ααα! φανταστικά! και μου αρέσει πολύ να ντυνω post it!